Small stream tributary of the Amblève, it has its source in Rodt to finish its course in Pont-Ligneuville.
It is characterized by many meanders and a slower descent than that of Eau Rouge. So despite its small width (1 to 4m), it offers trout deep areas conducive to its development.
Alongside these, you will also find loaches and sculpins.
We offer 0.7km of banks in Pont-Ligneuville from its confluence with the Amblève. In addition, we manage an additional 900m course further upstream, placed in the “spawning ground” zone and therefore prohibited from fishing.
Stream tributary of the Warche with a width of 1 to 3m, it flows into the latter in the center of Malmedy.
Many spawners from the Warche go up there to reproduce and large trout are often present there.
Access between houses and buildings can only be done by water from the confluence with the Warche. New fragmented routes upstream of Malmedy are easier to access.
We provide you with 3,090km of banks in the center of Malmedy.
Attention, as for Eau Rouge, the no kill “fario” is to be respected. Fishing with natural bait and pasta is prohibited on these 2 streams for reasons of safeguarding the trout present!